Download either
rgbSlide.js or rgbSlide.min.js
And include it before your scripts like so:
Or just use
So you dont have to download anything
- Create a div element and give it any ID you like.
- Populate it with however many slides you want.
- And simply just call the rgbslide() method on it
- All slides will be sequentially given id's: sl1,sl2,sl3...
- You can also style every slide in one go using the .sliderBox class
- Feel free to override the default styles (We're only a backbone!)
- By default, the rate at which slides change is 3400ms. However, you can change it yourself!
- All you need to do is put the desired interval as an int parameter
- We'll be adding more options soon - at your request!
- RGBSlide is so easy to implement and manipulate to fit your website
- Load times won't be affected so the experience will stay smooth
- It's flat, clean, modern and neutral, making RGBSlide an extremely versatile plugin to suit almost all websites